What is The Storage Difference Between h264, h265, h265+ and h265+S Tiandy?

The storage differences between H.264, H.265, H.265+, and H.265+S depend on various factors like the content being compressed, the settings used for encoding, and the specific optimizations provided by proprietary technologies like H.265+ and H.265+S. Here's a general comparison based on their typical characteristics:
H.264 (AVC):
- Older compression standard compared to H.265.
- Offers decent compression with good quality, but not as efficient as H.265.
- Larger file sizes compared to H.265 for similar quality.
- Commonly used in various applications, including video streaming, broadcasting, and more.
H.265 (HEVC):
- Improved compression efficiency compared to H.264.
- Typically provides 50% or more reduction in file size for the same quality as H.264.
- Widely adopted due to its better efficiency in reducing storage requirements without compromising quality.
H.265+ (Proprietary Optimization):
- H.265+ is designed to further enhance the compression efficiency of H.265.
- Offers additional improvements in reducing file sizes compared to standard H.265.
- Provides better compression ratios by incorporating advanced encoding techniques and optimizations.
H.265+S (Tiandy's Optimization):
- Tiandy's H.265+S is optimized for surveillance applications.
- It aims to reduce storage needs further for surveillance video without losing critical details.
- Offers specific enhancements tailored for surveillance footage, likely reducing storage requirements compared to standard H.265, but exact comparisons may vary based on specific implementations.
In general, H.265 (HEVC) provides better compression compared to H.264, resulting in smaller file sizes for the same quality. H.265+ and H.265+S are optimized versions aiming to further reduce storage needs, especially in scenarios like surveillance systems, where minimizing storage while retaining critical details is crucial. The exact storage differences between these codecs can vary based on the content, settings, and optimizations applied during encoding.
For surveillance systems, H.265+S and H.265+ are expected to offer better compression and reduced storage requirements compared to both H.264 and standard H.265 due to their specialized optimizations for surveillance footage. However, the exact storage differences would depend on the specific implementations and the type of content being compressed.
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Dec 03,2023